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Caroline Aldridge - social worker, author, speaker, trainer and practice educator.
Recent Posts
Covid-19: A social work apprentice's view
When social work degree apprenticeships were just a twinkle in the eye of someone with vision, there was talk of them being 'dumbed down'...
Fabric, feelings and fidget stars! Reflections on the emotional use of textiles in social work
There is an emotionality associated with the making, the ownership, the giving and receiving, and the use of fabric objects. Across...
Let’s Play! Ideas for Relational Direct Work with Children (on a shoestring)
Social workers and practitioners across the helping professions are required to undertake ‘direct work’ with children and their families....
A head full of ideas? Is it a blessing, a curse or a conundrum?
A creative mind will be buzzing with ideas, information and innovative possibilities. This has potential to benefit others but how do...
Compassionate practice in a ‘compassion fatigued’ climate.
Compassionate practice requires health and social care professionals to have, and use, emotions that prompt them to reach out to those in...
The Learning Social Worker...what's it all about?
So what is the Learning Social Worker blog all about? It's a play on words because I am learning but I also wanting to prompt others to...
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