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Caroline Aldridge - social worker, author, speaker, trainer and practice educator.
Recent Posts
A head full of ideas? Is it a blessing, a curse or a conundrum?
A creative mind will be buzzing with ideas, information and innovative possibilities. This has potential to benefit others but how do...
Compassionate practice in a ‘compassion fatigued’ climate.
Compassionate practice requires health and social care professionals to have, and use, emotions that prompt them to reach out to those in...
Reflexivity, creative writing and insight. How a dip into poetry led to reflection and learning.
This blog started as a write up of a creative writing activity that prompted reflexive discussion for my social work students...I ended...
In their creativity can unlock professional empathy
Empathy -the ability to stand in another’s shoes and see the world from their perspective. Is this is a quality that professionals in...
Noticing and encouraging ‘sparks’: How can social workers and educators empower others to develop
Noticing and encouraging ‘sparks’ of potential in others is the core business of social workers and educators. We will all have examples...
Social media - should you approach it like a toddler, teenager, parent, professional or President?
I was prompted to write this blog by a pair of sparkly shoes on a Social Worker’s Tweet. Amazing shoes and a positive ‘anonymous’ post....
The Learning Social Worker...what's it all about?
So what is the Learning Social Worker blog all about? It's a play on words because I am learning but I also wanting to prompt others to...
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